Dig Those Groovy Tunes!

the only sound that's left after the ambulances go

If MTV does something relevant to my tastes, and I’m not around to hear it, does it make a proverb? September 7, 2011

Filed under: Lady Gaga,Queen,Rants and Raves — yourbirdcansing88 @ 11:46 PM
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So…the VMAs were last week.  I didn’t watch it, ’cause I find music awards to be a bit of a disappointment (well, ever since my ill-fated attempt to get a thrill out of the Grammys in 2009), and anyway, the list of musical guests was less than spectacular (Lady Gaga alone was not reason to sit through something that actually paid host to Chris Brown, especially since the last few Gaga hits failed to get more than a lukewarm reaction from me).  And in the aftermath of this year’s VMAs, the most highly publicized moments that the press reported repeatedly in excruciating detail as if it were actually something monumental, merely served as evidence that I hadn’t missed anything.  Blah-blah-blah-Gaga-in-drag (somewhat interesting, but not especially remarkable or surprising), blah-blah-blah-Beyoncé’s-harboring-a-uterine-parasite-precious-little-bundle-of-genetically-unique-cells (like that’s nothing any of our mothers have ever done), etc.  So of course, it wasn’t until Saturday afternoon that a relative of mine, who evidently had sat through the show, casually mentioned to me that Brian May made a surprise appearance during Lady Gaga’s performance.

I’ll repeat that in case you didn’t catch that…BRIAN goddamn MAY appeared at this year’s VMAs.  Of all the “outrageous” things that went on at the VMAs this year that were worth publicizing, and somehow some popstar brat who’s never been born (no offense to Beyoncé, it’s just that the media needs to quit making pregnancy seem like some new phenomenon) got more attention than freakin’ Brian May.  Whose band was instrumental in popularizing (though not inventing, counter to popular belief) the music video format which made stations like MTV possible.  Who had such an influence on Lady Gaga that she took her freakin’ stage name from one of Queen’s songs.  So yeah, Brian May is KIND OF A BIG DEAL, even to MTV watchers and Lady Gaga fans, whether they’ve heard of them or not (though it boggles the mind that a Lady Gaga fan would not at least be aware of Queen, considering her namesake is no secret.  And as for MTV’s current audience…geez, kids these days).  But it’s the post-VMAs press that flabbergasts me.  I mean, you’d think nothing truly impressing happened this year the way they went on about a would-be drag king and a flippin’ fetus.

But then, to put everything into perspective, most of Lady Gaga’s backup dancers that night had probably never shared the stage with such an outrageous singer.  Brian, on the other hand…

Oh, so here’s the video of Lady Gaga (as her male alter-ego Jo Calderone) and Brian May’s performance at the VMAs.  And if you ask me, “You and I” is a massive improvement over the suspiciously Madonna-esque “Born This Way” and the relatively forgettable “Judas.”  This video also confirms something I’ve been suspicious of for a long time:  Dave Grohl is a geek just like the rest of us.



Video[s] of the Week[s that have passed since the last Video of the Week]: “Paparazzi” and “Telephone” by Lady Gaga April 4, 2010

Filed under: Lady Gaga,Video of the Week — yourbirdcansing88 @ 11:36 PM
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As the school year rapidly winds down, I’ve been plagued with various obligations – reading assignments, course selection, housing stuff, etc. – that have caused me to once again neglect my blogging for weeks at a time.  I’m sorry.  To make it up to you, I present you with not one, but two epic music videos by Lady Gaga:  “Paparazzi” and “Telephone.”

            The reason I chose these two videos in particular is that they both follow a narrative – complete with non-musical expositions, conclusions, and even an interruption or two in the middle of each.  Not only that, but video for “Telephone” could easily be seen as a sequel to “Paparazzi”, picking up where the latter left off.  The “Paparazzi” video tells a glamorously dark tale of revenge and betrayal for the sake of fame, acted out by two people who will literally commit murder in order to remain in the spotlight.   “Telephone” begins with Gaga’s resulting prison sentence, but, with the help of Beyoncé “Honey B” Knowles, the video soon turns into a Tarantino-esque action/road flick involving even more murder than the previous video.  The video for “Telephone” should also be noted for the fact that it contains quite possibly the biggest homoerotic undercurrent in a superstar collaboration video since a certain mid-1980s video for a cover of a certain Martha & the Vandellas song…

            Since I have no idea of the age range of my readers (‘cept you, Mom), nor their personal values, I’m going to put a disclaimer right here:  these two videos are quite violent and disturbing (some of the violence is done in a somewhat comedic way, which to some may make it even more disturbing).  They also contain harsh language, many brief but unsettling shots of corpses (including one, in the “Telephone” video, of a dead doggy), and mild sexual content (of both the heterosexual and lesbian variety).  But if these kind of things don’t bother you enough to deter you from watching two excellent music videos by the reigning queen of popular music, please enjoy.

P.S.  I would like to take this moment to mention that my roommate has recently joined the blog-o-sphere and has already written some pretty rockin’ posts on pop culture so far.  And being the supportive roomie that I am (alright, now I just sound arrogant.  Good God, I’ve become everything I’ve ever hated!), I suggest you check it out here:  http://venuspanic.blogspot.com/